Listen to kanye west dark fantasy
Listen to kanye west dark fantasy

listen to kanye west dark fantasy

To this day, I still miss particular classic albums that were disposed of during my hiatus from secular rap. On the other hand, I missed out on some great art. On one hand, perhaps it was a wise choice for a young Christian man in college to separate himself from potentially harmful influences.

listen to kanye west dark fantasy

This new life choice lasted for the better part of two years and I still debate with myself whether this decision was helpful or not. This decision came about due to the guilt that accompanied listening to music that contained a “Parental Advisory” sticker on the cover or watching films with racy scenes and foul language while attempting to live a proper Christian life. I decided to get rid of all of my secular rap CDs and stop watching rated R movies.

listen to kanye west dark fantasy

When I was a freshman in college, I made a big decision in my life.

Listen to kanye west dark fantasy